Crossfit 한번 해 보겠다고 신발 주문.
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crossfit이 머냐면.. 밑의 영상을 보기 바람.
Men's Cross-Training - Minimus 20v1 Cross-Training
Minimus is a whole new approach to athletic footwear, inspired by Good Form Running and designed to be worn with or without socks. The Minimus Cross-Trainer embodies both elegant simplicity and technical advancement. With its padded collar and deliberate lace placement, the New Balance MX20 is engineered to keep your ankle stabilized in an ideal position. Tremendously comfortable, it also offers lightweight enhancements like rubber outsole insets for optimal traction. This revolutionary shoe brings barefoot-caliber performance to your gym and circuit workouts while still providing the protection and versatility of more traditional trainers.
221 grams (7.8 oz)
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